Unique R&D Outsourcing and Co-Sourcing Models

Choose our unique modeles for R&D Extensions when:

  • You need to outsource, but want the quality and dedication of internal R&D.
  • You have no justification to hire full-time senior technologists, but realize the importance of making correct technology decisions and designing a robust system architecture.
  • You can only afford part-time or on-demand resources, yet know the importance of a steady team that takes full long-term responsibility.
  • Your desired time-to-market doesn’t allow for establishing the professional team you need.

What to expect:

  • We will discuss your needs and find the best model that balances between your needs and your constraints.
  • We can assign to you a dedicated team which is a mix of full-time, part-time and on-demand resources. For example you can have full time developers with a part time management team comprised of a Software system architect, Project Manager & QA Manager.
  • We can operate as your complete R&D, or as a Co-Sourced extension.
  • In order to accommodate for the needs of different companies at different stages, the  teams can be comprised of:
    • Our employees – dedicated to you (full-time, part-time, on-demand)
    • Contract to Hire – TIDE Employees with option to be hired by you
    • Your employees – Recruited, trained, and managed by TIDE 
  • You will be assigned a talented and dedicated team tailored to your needs.
  • We will manage the team and keep empowering them professionally just as you would do for your internal team.
  • We will work in full collaboration & transparency with you and your team. 
  • We can adjust your needs periodically based on the your business results.

TIDE was a great choice to develop the 51BLUE App into an easily scalable MVP with a clear foresight of tomorrows technological needs. They delivered the loyalty, dedication, and professionalism of an in-house CTO and IT department , while offering the lean and flexible costing of outsourcing.

Gino Gross

CEO & Founder, 51BLUE